Collection: Wall Decals For Living Room

Revitalize your space with StickerBrand's wall decals for living rooms. Each design promises to enhance your living space by featuring a fusion of art and sophistication.

Envision a living room that effortlessly combines style and your unique personality. Crafted to fill your space with elegance and modernity, every wall decal design will perfectly complement your home's interior, turning it into a cozy family time and leisure venue.

From palm trees to world maps, these decals transport you to serene landscapes. Picture a wall adorned with nature or scenic travel sights from your favorite cities. Each art style and option creates an inviting ambiance.

Whether aiming for a cozy retreat or a vibrant focal point, these peel-and-stick designs transform your space into a canvas of creativity. Create a cozy reading nook, a whimsical play area, or an accent wall that sparks joy.

Start your living room's makeover with our home wall decals! or opt to design your cooking area with our collection of kitchen wall decals. Discover the best designs to make your space truly feel like home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can You Put Decals on Freshly Painted Living Room Walls?

Before placing any decal on a freshly painted wall, ensure it dries for two weeks after being painted to ensure the decal does not affect the wall. 

Can You Put Decals on Wooden Walls or Furniture?

Decals can be placed on the wall if they are smooth and flat. If the wood is very rough, it needs to first be sanded well before placing the decal. 

How Do You Make Wall Decals Sticky Again?

Try heating the wall area where you first placed the decal with a hairdryer or heat gun, as heat creates a stronger bond between the decal and the wall. If this does not work, it may mean your decal does not have enough adhesive material left. 

Yes, we do custom artwork. Contact us below.